This Dealer has achieved the following Star Rating based on the attributes and services listed below.
Does dealer have AB Literature and manuals available to customers?
Does dealer have AB Landscape Binder available for reference along with contact information of sales associate?
Did dealer staff (seasonal, yard personnel, sales, customer service, etc.) receive training on AB products and literature over the past year?
Has dealer completed their company profile for their listing on
Does dealer have AB marketing/display material (POP material, banners, etc.)?
Does dealer have means to deliver AB products to a job site?
Has dealer received training on the AB Estimating Tools and Apps and do they estimate and/or provide guidance on where to find the tools and how to use them with customers?
Does dealer offer rental equipment?
Does dealer offer DIY assistance by conducting events such as installation events, design assistance, estimating, etc.?
Does dealer have a physical display of AB material (A-frames, physical display in the ground, etc.) that is labeled appropriately?
Has dealer staff actively participated in continuing their education by receiving an AB tutorial, attending a contractor class or participating in any other AB approved training with the intent to further their education?
Dealer begins engagement with the AB Certification Program and understands what it is, why we do it, and the value it brings their business.
Does dealer have reinforcement grid in stock?
Does dealer offer complimentary construction materials such as wall rock, gravel, tools etc...?
Does dealer stock and sell AB Reinforcement Grid?
Does dealer actively participate in the AB Contractor Certification Program annually (host/participate in class, certify/reward contractors)?
Does dealer promote Allan Block products in local media and home shows?
Does dealer provide Allan Block design assistance?
Are Allan Block retaining walls the only segmental retaining wall system (SRW) offered at this location?
Does dealer stock and sell AB Reinforcement Grid?
Does dealer stock at least 1 truckload of each of the Allan Block Collection