Print Certification Requirements

Summary of Requirements - Certified Wall Inspector:
- Has attended an Allan Block Contractor Certification Course
- Has completed and passed the written test
- With the AB Sales Representative has inspected a wall using the Construction and Inspection Checklist
- All walls inspected must have a min. height of 4 ft (1.2 m) and a min. of 300 units (full size or equivalent).
- All projects are counted by the number of full size Allan Block units used. If smaller sized units are used, the number of blocks must be equivalent to full size units. Example: 2 AB Jumbo Juniors = 1 AB Classic (full size unit).

Summary of Requirements - Experienced Wall Inspector:
- Has previously satisfied the requirements to be an AB Certified Wall Inspector
- Has inspected 5 additional walls that meet the guidelines and requirements listed
- Allan Block sales representative has inspected each submitted wall project and has verified that a Construction and Inspection Checklist was used.
- All projects are counted by the number of full size Allan Block units used. If smaller sized units are used, the number of blocks must be equivalent to full size units. Example: 2 AB Jumbo Juniors = 1 AB Classic (full size unit)

Summary of Requirements - Master Wall Inspector:
- Has completed Level One Certification & Experienced Certifications
- Has completed inspection of additional projects that meet the 25,000 units (full size units or equivalent) requirement listed above or 10 walls with an average of 1000 units each
- Allan Block sales representative has inspected each submitted wall project and has verified that the Construction and Inspection Checklist was used.
- All projects are counted by the number of full size Allan Block units used. If smaller sized units are used, the number of blocks must be equivalent to full size units. Example: 2 AB Jumbo Juniors = 1 AB Classic (full size unit).
Allan Block Retaining Wall Inspector Certification Program

AB Collection
Retaining Wall
The Allan Block Wall Inspector Certification Program is designed to give building officials and inspectors the proper training and tools to ensure top quality retaining walls are built. As a leader in the industry, Allan Block Corporation has developed these tools and training programs to help building inspectors get the knowledge and the resources they need to inspect Allan Block projects.
With the help of our vast network of trained Allan Block representatives, building officials now have the opportunity to take advantage of our installation training, technical support, and the many tools we have available to help them properly inspect and verify installation of the Allan Block products.
This three-stage program blends the details of wall design and the experience of wall construction to help us define each inspector's individual level of ability and service. This on-going certification program will also help us to ensure we continue to see the quality and success Allan Block is known for.
Working through the levels of the AB Wall Inspector Certification Program, we will show you why training can be your best resource for high quality engineered retaining wall construction. There are three achievable levels that are based on the number of Allan Block projects that have been inspected and the experienced gained:
AB Certified Wall Inspector
The first step in the program is Level One, the Certified Wall Inspector. To become one, a building inspector must first attend an Allan Block Contractor Certification Training Course. This course covers the following topics:

- The advantages of the Allan Block product line
- How Allan Block products work
- Basic principals of wall design
- How Allan Block and geogrid reinforcement work together
- Basic design methodology
- Why walls fail
- Wall estimating tools
- Proper methods for constructing an Allan Block wall
- Hands-on participation on building walls with Allan Block products
At the completion of the course you will be asked to take a written test. This test must be completed and turned in to your local Allan Block sales representative. Once this has been done, the last step is for you to inspect an Allan Block wall that has a minimum height of 4 ft (1.2 m) and is a minimum of 300 units (full size or equivalent). This inspection must be done using the Construction and Inspection Checklist and in the presence of your AB Sales Representative.
AB Experienced Wall Inspector
The second step in the program is the Experienced Wall Inspector. Although the options of what you can do with Allan Block products are without limit, there are a few basic concepts that must be mastered to move into the experienced level. To become an Experienced Wall Inspector you must inspect 5 additional walls that meet the specifications listed below:
All 5 walls submitted must comply with the following:

Retaining Wall
Bridge Abutment
- Walls comply with local building codes & are constructed to meet industry tolerances
- All walls inspected have a min. height of 4 ft (1.2 m) and a min. of 300 units (full size or equivalent)
- Geogrid reinforcement was used on a minimum of 3 of the 5 submitted walls
- Each of the following conditions must be covered on at least one of the 5 walls submitted
- Curved wall (inside or outside radius)
- Step up or step downs (at base and top of wall)
- Slopes above the top of the wall
- Terraced wall
- Water management detail (example: drainage swale)
- Curved wall (inside or outside radius)
- Allan Block sales representative has inspected each submitted wall project and has verified that a Construction and Inspection Checklist was used
Notify your local Allan Block sales representative of any AB retaining walls you would like submitted toward your Experienced Wall Inspector Certification so that your local sales representative can submit the appropriate paperwork to Allan Block Corp. to receive your Allan Block Experienced Wall Inspector Certificate.
AB Master Wall Inspector
The third and final step in the program is the Master Wall Inspector. Wall Inspectors that reach this level have both the knowledge and the skills to inspect top quality Allan Block walls. To become a Master Wall Inspector you must inspect Allan Block projects totaling up to a minimum of 25,000 units (full size or equivalent) or a total of 10 walls with an average of 1000 units (full size or equivalent). Any walls inspected to satisfy the Level One and Experienced requirements count toward your Master Wall Inspector requirement. Each of these walls must meet the following specifications:
All walls submitted must comply with the following:

AB Collection
Retaining Wall
- Walls comply with local building codes & are constructed to meet industry tolerances
- All walls inspected have a min. height of 4 ft (1.2 m) and a min. of 300 units (full size or equivalent)
- Allan Block sales representative has inspected each submitted wall project and has verified that a Construction and Inspection Checklist was used
Notify your local Allan Block sales representative of any AB projects you would like submitted toward your Master Wall Inspector certification so that your local sales representative can submit the appropriate paperwork to Allan Block Corp. to receive your Allan Block Master Wall Builder plaque with reward.
Disclaimer: Becoming a certified wall inspector signifies that a wall inspector or building official has been to an Allan Block Wall Inspector Certification class and has been trained. Allan Block does not guarantee the performance of any wall inspected by a certified wall inspector.